AVVO Reviews
AVVO Clients' Choice 2018
AVVO Clients' Choice Award 2019
AVVO Rating 10
National College for DUI Defense

Our Videos

Attorney Ridings Appears on Dan Abrams Live
What you should do if you’re stopped by the police
What is a Preliminary Hearing
What does a restricted license mean in Tennessee
The police want to interview my child, should I let them
Should I take the breath test or blood test
Should I save money and represent myself in a criminal case
Right to remain silent
Recording the Police What are my rights to do so
Mistakes you should not make after being arrested for DUI
I was arrested for DUI blew over the legal limit am I screwed
I missed court in Nashville what do I do
I have been arrested for DUI in Nashville What do I do
I am on Bond for DUI can they legally make me take drug and alcohol tests before I am convicted
How does bond or bail work in a criminal case
Don t I have to be driving to get a DUI
Do I have to take the Field Sobriety Tests
Do I have to have an interlock device
Can the police search my home or apartment without a warrant
Can the police search my car without a warrant
Can the police officer lie to me during his questioning
Can my case be dismissed if the officer failed to read me my rights
Can I refuse the Field Sobriety Tests
Can I pass the field sobriety tests
Can I get a DUI reduced to a Reckless Driving in Cheatham County
Can I get a DUI in my own driveway
Can I drink alcohol in moderation while on probation
Am I legally allowed to video a police encounter
Restricted License in Tennessee

Client Reviews

"I got arrested for my first dui a few months back and naturally I was very nervous. David put my mind at ease during the consultation but it wasn't until we got to court that I really knew I hired the right lawyer. From the minute he walked into the...


"We couldn't have asked for a better outcome in our case and are so thankful for his help. We reviewed and talked with several lawyers before hiring David. He was the only one that seemed thorough and intelligent, without being arrogant and insensitive. He...


"David is an outstanding attorney and helped me successfully navigate through the most chaotic event ever in my life. What a blessing to have hired David. First of all let me say that David Ridings is a legal rockstar and a class act! He had the wisdom...


"First class attorney! I live 700 miles from Nashville,TN and was arrested during a weekend stay. Upon my release I called Mr. Ridings. He was very professional, helpful, easy to work with, and eager to answer any questions from the minute I called him. He...


"Mr. Ridings has been the best lawyer I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. The level of professionalism, the knowledge of the law, and the timely responses to any questions I had make him the go to lawyer anywhere in or around the Nashville...


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